Final Disposition of Surplus Items Skip to main content

Final Disposition of Surplus Items

Policy Contents


Not all items sent to Surplus will be sold. Efforts will be made to repurpose items with useful life back to campus based on the item condition, age, leasing pool needs, and market factors. Examples include the computer rental program and used furniture. The Surplus Team will determine prices, if any, for leasing or repurposing back to campus. Leased computers and used furniture are first come, first served.

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All surplus sales must be handled by the Surplus Team. Departments are not authorized to conduct surplus sales or handle surplus transactions. Employees who wish to obtain surplus items must do so through these established surplus procedures. All funds from selling surplus items will be transferred to the university’s general fund to be redistributed according to policy. This procedure protects against conflicts of interest.

The Surplus Team will post listings at,, or other web-based sites (eBay, Public Surplus, local and industry-specific classifieds, other industry-serving sites, etc.). Employees, students, and the public are invited to purchase items at these sites or submit bids. All items must be turned over to the Surplus Team before they can be listed. The Surplus Team may designate or authorize alternate sales channels to maximize the value received for surplus goods, including internet auction, targeted auction, or trade-in, consistent with the Surplus Teams’ governing priorities. All sales must be offered to a group (e.g., department, university employees, or the public). If sale to a specific individual is desired, then the Authorization For Faculty To Purchase Or Transfer Equipment form must be used.

Surplus sales will be held periodically onsite at the warehouse as a venue to sell items. Full-time university employees & retirees will, at times, be admitted with a current university ID before the general public as a benefit of employment. The Surplus Team will determine when employees may be admitted. Notification of future surplus sales are made via the email list. Visit or email and ask to be put on the notification list.

Software may only be sold if it does not conflict with the university’s license contracts. This means certain apps (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.) will not be sold with computers. The most current operating system allowed by license contracts will be installed, if possible.

Selling certain items to a specific employee is only possible with academic and administrative vice president approvals and through the Surplus Team. While this can be done, departments should strongly consider if there is a need for the item elsewhere within the department and what the impact of replacing the item will be on their budget. In order to complete this process, the Authorization For Faculty To Purchase Or Transfer Equipment form must be submitted.


To best respect the sacred funds of the university and, within the space constraints of the warehouse, the Surplus Team will attempt to sell items for fair market value. The Surplus Team sets all pricing for sales. Discounting fair market value is at the discretion of the Surplus Team (e.g., item is not moving as quickly as needed).

Phones & Tablets

To simplify processing by the Surplus Team, phones and tablets may be purchased by the most recent user. This purchase must be processed by the Surplus Team. Pricing will be determined by the Surplus Team based on fair market value.

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Proof of payment must be presented before any surplus item will be released to the buyer. Payment methods vary by purchase type. Payment instructions will be provided at the time of purchase.

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Items marked for disposal, including items awaiting pickup, are not available for individuals to take or purchase. Surplus Procedures must apply.

Hazardous Waste is defined as items that contain dangerous chemicals and must be disposed of following the Risk Management and Safety Policy. All such waste should be disposed of through, and in coordination with, Risk Management.

Examples of technology hazardous waste include screens, toner, printers, batteries, appliances with refrigerant, etc. The Surplus Team will determine the proper method of disposal for surplus items. Attempts will be made to recycle applicable items before other disposal methods are attempted. When an item is best suited for recycling, existing contracts and collection methods will be utilized, in consultation with the BYU Recycling department.

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As stated in University Surplus Policy:

“The university does not normally make donations to outside organizations. However, in special situations, an exception may be granted. Colleges or departments wishing to donate university property to outside entities must first obtain approval from the Administration Vice President and CFO.”

Consideration is given by contacting the Surplus Team, who will then request approval from the Assistant Administration Vice President’s Office. If approval is granted, the item(s) must be declared surplus and go through Standard Surplus Procedures before being donated. An explanation of the donation should be emailed to Surplus Team can use List of charities approved by AVP. Departments must get approval from AVP.

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Line management, department heads, and controllers should be consulted about surplus first. If any questions remain, they may be directed to the Surplus Administrator in Purchasing at extension 2-7004. Another member of the Surplus Team may be contacted if the Surplus Administrator is unavailable.

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