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BYU Recycling promotes the idea that we should be wise stewards by exercising good judgement in managing and replenishing the resources with which the Lord has blessed it. We provide opportunities and assistance for individual and campus organizations to reduce waste, cut costs, and reduce consumption through an integrated and efficient approach to waste management.

The Following Items May Be Recycled In Campus Recycling Bins**

Recyclable cans icon.

Recyclable cardboard icon.

* Please Remove All Packing Material & Flatten Boxes *
Cereal Boxes
Empty Pizza Boxes
Shipping/Packing Boxes
Recyclable plastic icon.

Milk Jugs
Plastic Soda & Water Bottles
Recyclable paper icon.

Office Papers

** Any item not listed above should not be recycled in BYU's recycling bins.

Large items MAY NOT be disposed of in BYU dumpsters.

If you have any large items to donate or dispose, please visit our Large Item Donation and Disposal page for a list of locations and acceptable items.

All campus offices and common areas should have recycling bins.

To obtain a recycling bin or assistance with removing discarded paper goods during an office move, contact Recycling by calling 801-422-4662.

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Check out our interview with Y Life Science!

Austin and Katy talk with Bill Rudy and Patrick Smith-LaBombard about the BYU recycling program. Learn what products BYU accepts for recycling and where it goes after you put it in the bin.

The Y Life Science podcasts highlight research and science projects happening in the College of Life Sciences at BYU, as well as life science and conservation efforts happening in the community.

Recorded Sept 30, 2022

How We Serve Campus

Each year, BYU recycles approximately 1,400 tons of paper, plastic, and metal. This saves the university tens of thousands of dollars in disposal costs while also generating revenue from the sales of recycled commodities.
BYU blue recycling icon.

Recycle Everyday Items

We make it possible for students and faculty to recycle everyday items, such as office paper, newspaper, cardboard, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans.
BYU blue recycling icon.

Recycle Carpet

BYU recycles over 150,000 lbs. of used carpet, preventing 75.92 tons of carpeting materials from being dumped in landfills.
BYU blue recycling icon.

Recycle Scrap Metal

We collect and recycle industrial scrap metals (steel, insulated wire, concrete, and asphalt).
BYU blue recycling icon.

Collect Office Papers & Books

When moving an office, we will take any paper that is not being kept or moved to the library to archive. We send collected books to donation, recycle old files, and shred confidential documents.
BYU blue recycling icon.

Encourage Glass Recycling

BYU does not recycle glass. We encourage students to recycle glass containers at Provo's recycling dumpster at the southeast corner of Smith's parking lot at 100 West and 300 North. There are dividers for clear, green, and brown glass. Provo City Public Works asks residents to please rinse the containers before recycling.

Visit BYU's Sustainability page for more information on how the university is pursuing opportunities for sustainability that we believe make a genuine difference and economic sense.

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