The Following Items May Be Recycled In Campus Recycling Bins**


* Please Remove All Packing Material & Flatten Boxes *
Cereal Boxes
Empty Pizza Boxes
Shipping/Packing Boxes

Milk Jugs
Plastic Soda & Water Bottles

Office Papers
** Any item not listed above should not be recycled in BYU's recycling bins.
Large items MAY NOT be disposed of in BYU dumpsters.
If you have any large items to donate or dispose, please visit our Large Item Donation and Disposal page for a list of locations and acceptable items.
All campus offices and common areas should have recycling bins.
To obtain a recycling bin or assistance with removing discarded paper goods during an office move, contact Recycling by calling 801-422-4662.
Austin and Katy talk with Bill Rudy and Patrick Smith-LaBombard about the BYU recycling program. Learn what products BYU accepts for recycling and where it goes after you put it in the bin.
The Y Life Science podcasts highlight research and science projects happening in the College of Life Sciences at BYU, as well as life science and conservation efforts happening in the community.
Recorded Sept 30, 2022
How We Serve Campus

Recycle Everyday Items

Recycle Carpet

Recycle Scrap Metal

Collect Office Papers & Books

Encourage Glass Recycling
Visit BYU's Sustainability page