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Space Management

230 BRWB

Space Management

Space Management effectively manages the university’s space resources for campus functions and church use. We identify and allocate space to users within facilities on campus for a specific function or purpose. Our efforts ensure optimum use of the university's space resources and assist in the planning for future facility needs.

Building Inventory Report

Space Management produces and publishes a Building Inventory Report tri-annually, every January, May, and September.

Buildings, Rooms, & Asset Information

September 21, 2020 11:08 AM
Space Management maintains current information regarding campus and university-affiliated buildings, rooms, and assets.

View Campus Building Resources

Campus Buildings

JFSB Interior Courtyard.
Space Management manages space in facilities on campus and coordinates building use for both academic and church purposes. Space is a university resource and is allocated to users for a specific function or purpose. New space requests should be referred to Space Management through the college representative. Colleges and departments must also coordinate all space changes with Space Management so accurate records can be maintained. All space on campus is subject to Sunday and/or Tuesday evening use by wards and stakes. For more information, please visit the Physical Facilities Policy.

Campus building floor plans are available on the BYU Building Floor Plans & Maps online database.

Ward & Stake Information

August 19, 2019 04:52 PM
Space Management coordinates campus building use for wards and stakes meeting on campus for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For additional information, visit the Ward & Stake Information page.

Training Modules

Space Management has training modules available on BYU's Training LMS. After logging into the Training LMS with a BYU Net ID, search for ‘Space Management’ to locate the training videos.