Dallen Reed

"Last month, an Auxiliary Maintenance technician was entering one of the WSC tunnel access doors. As he climbed down the ladder, the heavy steel floor hatch came out of place slamming down on the technician, pinning him in-between the door and floor. Fortunately, two Physical Facility Painters (Dallen Reed & Darron Bradford) were near by and quickly ran over to pull him out. They immediately contacted emergency responders and stayed with the injured technician, providing comfort to him until police and paramedics arrived. The door pinned the technician in his chest area limiting his ability to breathe. The technician suffered from two broken vertebrae and bruised ribs. Since the technician was pinned between the door and floor, with his legs tangling above a long drop. There was no way he could free himself. There is a very strong possibility that Dallen and Darron's quick action possibly saved his life. I believe Dallen and Darron should be recognized for this.
Dallen and Darron have only been working in the WSC for the past few months. They both have a great attitude, are hardworking and are always willing to exceed our expectations."
– Nominated by Chad Brimley