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Alex Akagi



"Alex always displays a very positive attitude to follow directions and in his ability to work well with his crew. With his hands-on experience and leadership strengths, he has more than twice within the last month responded to the needs and requests for repairs from various members of the college at BYU West Campus. A professor and students desperately needed the dead electrical power outlets in their classroom to be working - as the design class uses equipment and devices that require electricity. Alex and one of his crew members responded quickly and in a timely manner, and less than an hour before the start of class, the problem was fully resolved and the need met with all the wall power outlets working. This is one of the many incidences in Alex's work that have demonstrated truly why this department is known as 'Building Operation' because of the building's standard of operation expectation. Alex's consistent response daily and ability to reach out quickly to help with urgent needs is unmatched and serves the academic needs of the college and its students. This helps also in fulfillment of the University's Aim of a BYU Education."

– Nominated by Solitu Purcell